Friday, June 11, 2010

Brooklyn, Brooklyn take me in...

Regular readers of this blog probably won't believe me, but I want to let you in on a little secret...last week I really missed Brooklyn.  It was a sunny day that I spent in a park by the Canal St Martin and maybe it was the heat or all of the other kids my age, but I swear if I squinted really hard I could almost feel like I was in McCarren Park for a minute.  Honestly that's all I wanted, a couple of hours with a bagel and a huge iced coffee and a blanket with my friends.  Watching kickball and really skinny cute guys on bikes right off Bedford.  Once the moment passed I was happily enjoying Paris in no time, but ladies and gentlemen there you have it, my one little moment of quasi-homesickness.

It's really quite funny.  I have no idea what spurred my Brooklyn longing, but for a moment it felt so strong and then just as quickly as it came- it faded right away... I have come to the realization that this trip was completely worth while and good for me.  Not that taking a few months off of life and living in Paris wouldn't be good for anyone, but I'm really glad I did it.  It's always nice to remind yourself of what it is that you enjoy and what makes you happy and that you ultimately are the only person responsible for finding out and making that happen.  Completely gratifying in every possible way.  It must be much easier to do when you are away from your real life and I don't underestimate that in any way, but I'm hoping this momentum will keep going once I get back to New York.

Happy Birthday to my birthday buddies Lucas & JJ and my lovely Aunt Eileen.

Now friends, go enjoy yourself this weekend!


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